The history of that transaction is worth attending to.
Val la pena que parem esment en la història d’aquesta transacció.
Font: riurau-editors
If she is once admitted to the government of America again, this Continent will not be worth living in.
Si és admesa de nou en el govern d’Amèrica, no valdrà la pena viure en aquest continent.
Font: riurau-editors
Enjoyable environments: when people play, they create environments worth being in.
Entorns agradables: les persones quan juguen creen entorns on val la pena estar.
Font: MaCoCu
As it is in such an inaccessible location, it is not very popular, although it is well worth a visit to observe its beautiful natural surroundings.
Pel fet d’estar en un lloc tan inaccessible, no sol ser molt freqüentada tot i que val la pena acostar-s’hi i observar el seu bonic entorn natural.
Font: MaCoCu
But how a race of men came into the world so exalted above the rest, and distinguished like some new species, is worth enquiring into, and whether they are the means of happiness or of misery to mankind.
Però com heretà el món una raça d’homes tan exalçada per damunt de la resta i distingida com una espècie nova, val la pena d’indagar-ho, i si són l’instrument de la felicitat o de la misèria de la humanitat.
Font: riurau-editors
If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well.
Si val la pena fer una feina, val la pena fer-la bé.
Font: Covost2
It’s a conversation worth having and an idea worth spreading.
És una conversa que val la pena tenir i una idea que val la pena difondre.
Font: TedTalks
My advice would be to be mentally prepared for difficulties, but the payoff it’s absolutely worth it.
El meu consell seria estar mentalment preparat per les dificultats, però la recompensa val absolutament la pena.
Font: MaCoCu
We are sufficiently numerous, and were we more so, we might be less united.
Som prou nombrosos, i si fóssem més, podríem estar menys units.
Font: riurau-editors
It is a pity, but that is how it is.
És una pena, però és així.
Font: MaCoCu
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